The really new obliterates the old completely.

How can there be conflict between what is and what is not?

You can do nothing to bring it about, but you can avoid creating obstacles.

Reality is not the result of a process; it is an explosion.

Once you have awakened into reality, you stay in it

On your side there is so much trouble. On mine there is no trouble at all. Come to my side.

 Proclaiming oneself to be an omnipotent, omniscient and omnipotent deity is a clear sign of ignorance.

The light is for all and always there, but the seekers are few, and among those few, those who are ready are very rare.

The Guru's person and words made me trust him and my trust made them fruitful.

No self-definition is valid.

Stay open and quiet, that is all.

Don't concern yourself with others, take care of yourself.

Sadhana is a search for what to give up.

The sight of a flower is as marvellous as the vision of God. Let them be
